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Willpower Workouts


Recognized among the top fitness professionals in the United States, We have helped clients safely and effectively get fit for over two decades. Here you can find you can find your tribe and  plant your falg with the Will Power Community.

Home: Welcome


What We Do

Perfect the Art of In-Home & Outdoor Group Fitness

We provide professional, certified fitness programs designed to help you reach and maintain your health and fitness goals. As your WillPower Coach, each program is uniquely designed not only to exceed your fitness dreams but to optimize your entire life.  Here you will receive motivation to succeed in your journey and in the world outside.  You will find the individual attention you need in a community you'll love.


Previous clients have been entrepreneurs, executives, doctors, nurses, law enforcement, and athletes at every level who have achieved success and utilize this program to maintain it.  Also, domestic engineers, teachers, technicians, and clients from Generation Z to Baby Boomers will testify to the impact we've had on them. 


No matter the age, gender, background, or goal, if you've got the will; we'll show you the way!


Check out all offerings and choose one suitable to your ambitions and lifestyle.

Home: Services
Sit Ups

Private Training

Look Good, Feel Good

Health and Fitness is not only about what your body looks like on the outside, but also on the inside! We will make sure your body and mind find the right balance. What are you waiting for? Book a session today!

Online Training

Your Complete Virtual Training Program

You want the accountability of a top tier trainer but the autonomy to fit your flexible schedule? This online program is perfect for you.
Just download the "Willpower Workouts" app in the Play Store or App Store and get started.

Group Workout

Group Fitness

Strength & Stamina

Live out your fitness journey with your family, friends, neighbors, or community at large.

A healthier, happier lifestyle awaits you. Contact me today.

Client Testimonials

Real Experiences, Stunning Results

Home: Testimonials

There is nothing better than feeling fit and knowing that you put in the work to get there.


Living a fit life allows me to be sharp and focused in every aspect of my career.


Willpower Workouts reminded me that I am still an athlete and I am able to train like one again.


Some exercises are familiar, some are unique, every workout is different and I love the modifications when needed.


I started with only a small desire to be a little healthier.  I found the will to change everything along the journey.  Willpower Workouts showed me the way.


This is a community that doesn't exist with any other trainer or gym. The culture of Willpower Workouts will change your life for the better if you let it.



Thank you coach for being you! I loved working out at the noon sessions & seeing your smile everyday!!!!


So blessed to call you brother and friend. You have helped shape me into the woman I am today more than you'll know!


Thank you so much for all you have done! Your hard work never went unnoticed.  You're so humble, kind, and a man of God!


Coach you have no idea what you've done for our home.  You made our home "homey" again because of you leadership, commitment, and passion for what you do!


When I started a little over a year ago, my tryglicerides was 680. Now it's 185.  I'm appreciative of everything you did!!!


All the work and consistently showing up for myself for the last 2 years is paying off! Thanks for being there and pushing me and cheering me on when I started this journey back when we had to workout outside in the parking lot due to covid restrictions!


D’Marcus is an awesome coach! With over 20 years of experience in training athletes, education, and personal group training classes D’Marcus has great insight in working with every individual.

D'Marcus can help you set up the perfect program to fit your needs. He developed a workout plan focused on building my strength while incorporating mobility/flexibility/endurance with a very watchful eye on form.   After 3 months of working with him, I was the strongest and fastest I had ever been at the age of 40.

Here's what makes him awesome - he is focused on form, reminding you throughout your entire workout as he's pushing you to go beyond what you think you can do.  He keeps track on your progress along the way adjusting when necessary to help you make the most gains during your workout.  He's also very personable, energetic and engaging so you also have fun being around him.  Don’t let his bright smile fool you, he is tough on you for your own good!


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